Your comfort zone will kill you
Your comfort zone will kill you

We all fear uncertainty and there are all sorts of factors that are working on keeping you exactly where you are, from social conditioning to self-imposed limits on what you think you’re capable of. It makes no sense to completely pull the rug from underneath yourself – it can take practice to get comfortable with discomfort so you might need to step back in a few times until you’re ready to stay put.

  • Step back into the comfort zone if you really need to.
  • If it feels like it’s going to keep you stuck then try making a list of pros and cons of taking the leap so you can clearly see the benefits. It’s ok to just sit with this discomfort and let it be there – but carry on anyway. Everyone always experiences anxiety (or fear) as soon as they step outside their comfort zone. Sometimes, the anxiety we feel when we take steps like this can actually motivate us to do better, and go further.
  • That uncomfortable feeling can trigger improved performance.
  • The more you are outside your comfort zone the easier you’ll find it to deal with stress and discomfort and the less these will weigh you down and undermine you. It might feel safe but after a while you’re going to get bored, disconnected and a bit sad. Staying inside your comfort zone is like spending days in bed with the curtains drawn watching Netflix. So, there will gradually be more and more things you feel comfortable with and you’ll get more comfortable being in that place of feeling stretched. Each time you step outside your comfort zone you increase the size of it. Habitual thoughts and behaviours are the definition of a comfort zone – when you step outside these ingrained patterns you tap into, and feed, your more spontaneous and creative side.
  • It will improve your confidence and your ability to cope with the changes and challenges of life.
  • What are the benefits of getting out of your comfort zone?

    your comfort zone will kill you

    Numbing behaviours, abandoning yourself and what you want from life, avoiding challenge or change – these are the signs that the comfort zone is firmly in place. Being gentle, compassionate, still – these are not your comfort zone. I don’t see this as the same thing as taking time out to rest, recover or recuperate. And, as a resilience coach, one of the tasks I have most often is helping ease other people out of theirs.Ī note: I would define a comfort zone as a place in which we feel ok being complacent, not really making an effort and not trying to evolve or grow.

    your comfort zone will kill you

    Because doing that – staying stuck – can have really negative consequences and mean you end up doing half the living that you could have because of the stranglehold that your mindset can have. There is actually evidence now that our brains recognise emotional harm like a physical pain so both of these are likely to have much the same impact – and that’s the reason that we will frequently stay put, exactly where we are.Īnd that’s why I like this image so much.

    your comfort zone will kill you

    That might be something emotional like rejection or it could be fear of physical harm like getting hurt doing crossfit. I like it because one of the reasons we often shy away from taking risks, speaking up, doing things that scare us etc is because of the potential harm that could do to us. However, beyond that, it’s pretty punchy. I’m not sure it’s the most ideal representation of getting out of your comfort zone, as it looks a lot like someone standing on the edge of a train platform. This photo made me feel odd the first time I saw it.

    Your comfort zone will kill you